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Thursday, 23 July 2015

Body Clocked

Tuesday and Wednesdays performances at the Cannon Hill Art School Exhibition were equally special experiences. The inspiration behind the discipline of performing everyday at the gallery, is partly to to see if I can bring my body into a space consistently – what ever is occurring within it (my body). We all have to turn up to life everyday for something, but singing and performing create a special and acute self awareness. There were times at the beginning of my career when at best I maybe had to cancel a gig, at worst lost out on major opportunity, because I couldn’t face the world and the world never knew why, that my body just wouldn’t let me perform. Nervousness made me crave carbohydrates, having a life meant having late nights, I had allergies that made my eyes swell, I had various illnesses and all of this can show (I think).  I have improved over time but my shyness can still make me inconsistent and I am a women that experiences women’s things etc. It intrigues me to see if I can overcome whatever the body is ‘feeling’ over a period of six weeks and know more deeply that it isn’t just ‘fearing’  – ie giving in too easily to fear. If I sing from the right place I’m out of my body anyway, but I can’t always remember that. So far so good. 

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